We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who made our attendance at Expo West 2023 a huge success. We were thrilled to debut our new Jelly Popping Boba Series at the show, and we were overwhelmed by the positive feedback we received from attendees.
We were really “Poppin’ off” at the EXPO, thanks to all of the visitors and Boba enjoyer. We loved seeing the amazement on people’s faces as they tried our Jelly Popping Boba for the first time. It was clear that the Jelly Popping Boba Series was a hit with the crowds.
If you haven’t had a chance to try our Jelly Popping Boba yet, we invite you to check it out on Amazon. It’s a delicious and fun way to enjoy refreshing boba, and we know you’ll love it as much as we do.
In addition, EXPO WEST provided us with an incredible opportunity to connect with a wider audience than ever before. We were able to meet new customers, catch up with old fans, and engage in business discussions with industry leaders from all over the world. We are especially grateful to FoodNavigatorUSA for featuring us in their report on innovative boba drinks. It was an honor to see our brand representing the forefront of innovation in the industry. We are thrilled and can’t wait for another chance to meet you guys next time!

Finally, we invite you to follow us on Instagram @osbubletea , for more updates on our upcoming amazing boba drinks. We are committed to staying on the forefront of innovation in the industry, and we can’t wait to share our latest creations with you.
Thank you again for your support, and we look forward to continuing to delight you with our delicious and exciting boba drinks.